Should Covid Commies Worry About Violent Resistance? (Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.)

Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.

Cancel culture is about cancellingyou and the nation state.

Covid vaccines are about killing you.

We must awaken from our slumber and realize that we have been declared redundant. We cannot continue to play stupid. We’ve been handed our pink slip. 

These depraved psychopaths are gaslighting you to believe that resistance to tyranny is “terrorism.”  

Covid Communists are waging war on them yet they act like nothing has happened.

Am I wrong? Where is the resistance? The Red States. Anywhere else? 

Americans are fully armed but there have been no reports of pushback.

The Communists have committed the political equivalent of raping your daughters. They are gaslighting you.  “We are giving your daughter ‘a valuable life lesson,’ they say.” And you believe them.

The most shocking video can be found below.

Liberal’s hidden agenda: more than just your guns…

… the impending collapse of the US food supply system
will steal the food from your kids’ tables…

Watch this video below to find out the great secrets hidden by the government.

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Men, do you have any dignity left? 

Can you see how feminism and gender dysphoria  emasculated men. Are there any men left?


These depraved psychopaths are gaslighting you to believe:

1) That resistance to tyranny is “terrorism.”  

2) That preserving the racial, cultural and political character of your country is “racist” when everyone else can preserve theirs. 

3) That a legitimate, mostly peaceful protest Jan 6 against a stolen election was a riot and the “worst attack on our democracy since the civil war?”
We must ignore their gaslighting. They are satanists, perverts, criminals, traitors and terrorists. 

Biden said recently: “We won’t ignore what our intelligence agencies have determined to be the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today: White supremacy is terrorism.” 

Meanwhile “black supremacists”  demand the murder of all white people with impunity. 
When will the silent majority wake up? 
Or has it been so anesthetized on drugs and porn that it will just roll over and die?

Is it so hard to believe that the people who have usurped unlimited power and wealth should decide that the rest of humanity is redundant, except as servants? 

We’ve been declared redundant. We’d better prepare to defend ourselves.  Otherwise, submit to tyranny and death.

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There’s never going to be peaceful democratic change again. They keep that illusion alive to prevent us from resorting to the tactics their Bolsheviks and Zionists have perfected. 


Non-violent resistance should include a propaganda blitz focused on all the useful idiots carrying out the covid hoax. The go-fers, our leaders, will take the blame for this catastrophe, not the people who gave them the orders.  They’re already throwing Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to the wolves.

Meanwhile I say to the Satanists, you have everything except love, the thing you really want and need. Too bad you won’t discover that until it’s too late. You’re not a servant of Satan, you’re his prisoner. Turn back and discover the path of bliss. The kingdom of Heaven is within. 

We must awake from our slumber and confront this mortal threat. 

We need a spirit of defiance. 

We must embrace and love each other. 

We must reach out to the Left and help them see that globalism (Communism) is our common enemy. The Masonic Jewish central bank (the Fed) and their network of gentile Freemason traitors (“our leaders”) are playing a game of divide and conquer. 

We must stop being fearful.  

In this the final battle, we must enlist in the Army of God.

On December 6th President Trump’s words shook the world.

For the first time in over 2000 years, Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel.

Whether he knows it or not, President Trump fulfilled his part in a frightening biblical prophecy exactly as the scriptures predicted.

Only the top church leaders and Bible scholars know the real meaning behind this great and terrible moment, yet no one is saying a thing about it…

So pay chose attention because this video will change your life forever for the good!

4 thoughts on “Should Covid Commies Worry About Violent Resistance? (Not only did the Communists steal the election, they want to liquidate the 80-plus million patriots who voted for Trump.)

  1. It is a possibility we may need a second revolutionary war to rid ourselves of the vermin who believe it is their right to rule over us. They’re leaving us no recourse to right this sinking ship through an election process, so we must take back our country by force if need be, meaning they must reconsider just how far they can push us before America explodes in violence !!!


  2. Church leaders in 501c3 churches are globalist gatekeepers and will focus on social justice sermons and running a social club. Orthodox jews are separate from secular khazar jews or zionist jews


  3. No mention of creating the 2nd Amendment Militia as even the forefathers saw the implications of it. Not even you mention this?

    I’m beginning to wonder if all of you guys are communists.


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